Growing with art & drawings

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Drawing Updated 070418a

The front panel is difficuit to add fillet since its curve angle is too acute. I have tried many combination. But no luck yet. The current attempt is the best result I can see.
to be continue...
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Sunday, April 15, 2007

Drawing Updated 070415b

The basic shape shell is now almost done. Only the tail of the shell is left behind. And I begin to add more details to the shell in order to test the integrity and accuracy of the surface.
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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Drawing Updated 070411a

I try to finalize the basic shape with the last 2 parts: 1. the back of the shell and 2. the side mudguard. Afterward, I am planning to add details such as lights, windows and so on.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Drawing Updated 070409b

Thanks for Easter Holiday! I can almost finish the outer shell. leaving 2-3 parts and then I can add further details.

Drawing Updated 070409

Because Lamborghini have too much curve.
It is really challenging to bring it into 3D. I think its designer used NURBS to design the car too. Really tough. I will try my best to finish the car shell within the week and then add details in the next stage.
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Saturday, April 07, 2007

Drawing Updated 070407a

This modeling is based on the Lamborghini Diablo 1990. I begin this project on January.
I choose car because of the following reasons:

1. Amongst toys, I used to love car very much.
2. Wanna practice NURBS modeling
3. Want to build up 3D modeling portfolios
and so on...
So, read part is first trial to the shape and yellow is built over and over again after gathering enough experience.
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